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It's not because things are difficult that we dare not venture.  It's because we dare not venture that they are difficult. - Seneca

Hey there!

I’m Dawna! Owner of The Indulgent Girl (TIG) online boutique.  I’m happily married, the mother of two sons, and live in my coastal hometown of Wells, Maine.


To say that I  L O V E  to shop would be an understatement!  As an entrepreneur at heart, I often entertained the idea of one day owning my own boutique.  Working full-time, helping my husband manage our two family businesses, busy mom life, and having an active social life seemed to consume my time.  With my eldest son out of the house, my youngest growing more independent every day, and a real fear of complacency, I knew the timing was right!


Inspired by my love to shop, my continued quest for unique finds, a passion for entertaining, a firm belief in retail therapy and that every woman deserves to indulge; The Indulgent Girl emerged.  TIG offers a curated collection with a focus on inviting neutrals, and timeless quality pieces.  Here you’ll find women’s apparel, accessories, items for the home, gifts, and more.


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to visit.  I hope you will enjoy these hand selected pieces as much as I do.


X Dawna​


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